Monday, 21 February 2011


Because I was thinking of simple shapes and repeating them I suddenly thought about cones and how easy it could be to make a structure. I started off by cutting out different sized and length circles out and ,making them into cones and then sticking them together I also stuck them into each other having a smaller cone in a bigger one! The shadows that they create in and around the cones are great.

Heres some ptimary research on cone shaped objects and natural forms that could inspire me to think of a new way to put cones together.

Heres some more research on cone shapes and artists that have used paper, the piece below is a shop floor design of a paper cave which is a great example of the use of repetition and how effective it can be.

This is a great piece for inspiration as ive already being playing around with sort of idea, i like that the cones arent attached to anything so that when you lift the sculpture up it looks like a beehive with all the small holes at the end which is pretty cool if it was a hanging piece.

I love making jewelery and this is a beautiful way of using cones but I dont think this is made out of paper and its also attached with a chain which my brief doesnt allow, but still its a lovely idea and makes me think about the many ways I can apply my skills and creativity.

Inspiration and pretty things..

Heres a few of richard sweeneys peices, some of them are simple patterns and when put together they look very complex when really theyre quite simple. He does a lot of big pleated bits of paper and bends them into hilly like structures.

 Heres some pieces from Helen Mussel White an artist and illustrator that makes distinctive hand crafted work that makes a strong impact. I personally think that this work really stands out and its bright bold characters are great to look at.

Experimenting with the more simple ideas..

After getting an understanding of how richard manipulates paper I found it hard to do exactly what he was doing and I think I was trying too hard to make something really complex like his pieces can be!
So I stopped trying bend paper in all directions and adding as many cuts and creases and i just made this simple piece. I just got a small piece of paper and cut 5 mm slits in and put creases in each line and when taking a photo of it it really looked cool!

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Workshop 1 with Richard Sweeney

Wednesday 26th Jan

This is our first paper engineering workshop with Richard Sweeney.
Richard studied Art and Design in 2002 and then went on to study three dimensional design which led him to hand manipulating paper into sculpture like forms.He also does photography and takes photos of his pieces and catches the light and shadows that they create.

Richard started by giving us a demonstration of a simple paper design and showed us how the paper bends, hangs and creates shadows. At first I thought this exercise was going to be simple but as soon as i started I realised how hard it was to make the paper do what i wanted it to.

Heres a few experiments I did in the workshops;